Wednesday 11 July 2012

Weekly Inspo

Going to create these little frames weekly to sum up the things that have inspired me or taken my eye from that particular week. 

As you can tell I am a little obsessed with the camo print at the moment so had to put that in there. I love the leather shorts as well, I do love a bit of leather, I did see a pair similar in Topshop a while ago if you are looking for a pair. The top left image is Lisa Olsson, who runs her own fashion blog and I love her style! She is ridiculously pretty  and I envy her wardrobe, to be honest I think I want to be her! Check her style out here
Lastly is the Louboution picture, I spend  a lot of time lusting over various pairs of these! I love this picture because I am currently deciding what tattoo to get and am thinking of an anchor! 

All images from tumblr, edited by me.

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