Friday 10 August 2012

Fashion wasn’t what you wore someplace anymore; it was the whole reason for going

So I tried to take an outfit photo, but didn't go how I planned. Really need to invest in an Apple Mac and SLR camera once I've paid off my over draft (ha like that will be happening soon!). I have discovered how to do one of these big buns though which I actually really like. I wore a black H&M maxi dress, with Primark embellished top over top and leather Topshop aviator jacket. Topshop cross earrings, my grandad's old watch and a vintage cross necklace my friend bought me on holiday. I have had a pretty boring week this week, as it revolved around revising, sorting out my new flat, applying for jobs and a lot of day dreaming. Tuesday was fab because I got to hang out with my two best friends and one of their boyfriends which was fun! Hopefully next week will be more interesting! Hope you all have a fabby weekend!

Own Images. Quote by Andy Warhol.


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