Monday 10 September 2012


I had to battle my way through the Saturday crowds in town because I was in desperate need of foundation. While I was in Boots buying my make up staples, I thought I would treat myself to a few cheapy nail varnishes. I have been obsessing over beauty blogs recently and love the quirky colours and patterns being painted. So the brand Collection had a deal on there new Hot Looks 60 Second range, where it was 2 colours for £3. (However I did read it as 3 for £2, so I got to the counter annoyed that I could have picked up another one!) I am also in love with glitter nail polishes because they can look so great over top, so I found a Miss sporty one for a similar price of £1.99.  

L-R Collection Hot Looks in 60 Seconds: 58 Go Retro!, 55 Bright Lights, 37 Bongo Beat


I tried the Bongo Beat colour with the Miss sporty polish (Sparkle Touch 30) over the top, and it looked simple but fab! I really like these collection polishes, and they do dry really quickly, which is fab for me because I can't keep still waiting for my nails to dry. It was a shame the miss sporty one didn't dry as quick too! Saying that I really like the Miss Sporty one as it seems to look better on than previous brands I have tried before it spreads out more evenly. 


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