Monday 24 September 2012


This is my first successful marbling attempt, I had tried it once previously and the nail varnish didn't stick to my nails at all! But considering this was the first time I think it turned out pretty well, so definitely don't be put off if it doesn't go very well at first! It actually turned out to be easier than I thought but very time consuming, so I wouldn't recommend it if you are in a rush to go out! 

Firstly I would say apply a simple and plain base coat to your nails, so the marbling really stands out. I just used a cheapy Natural Collection white varnish (New buy only £1.79 from Boots called nail tip whiter BARGAIN!) it is quite a thick varnish so only needs one coat too! 

Once the base coat is dry, take a small dish, I just used an old perspex Clinique make up box I have to keep my nail polishes in. Fill it up with room temperature water- this doesn't really matter mine was a little bit chilly, I just think it makes it easier. 

Once you have chosen the other coloured nails varnishes you want to marble with, unscrew all the tops ready so it is quicker. You drop a dash of the polish into the water (I start with the darkest colour first) you keep dropping the colours into each other to form a ring sort shape.

Because I am a student and don't have all the usual things I do at home, I had to take a paper clip and bend it out of shape to form a tool that did the same job as a cocktail stick! So gently swish around the ring of colours to make your desired marble effect. (Don't do this too fast or sudden otherwise it ends up in a big blob!)

Before you print the design onto your nails either take some masking tape or a simple lip balm and put around the sides of your nail so the varnish doesn't stick! I personally used some cheap coca cola smelling lip balm I found at the bottom of my bag! 

Place your nail into to marbled area, and with the cocktail stick or other object you have found or made!) just get rid of the remaining design (should be like a skin layer now). Lift you finger out and wipe off the surrounding pattern. 

Simples! Like I said it is a slow process, especially because I did one nail at a time as it worked better for me!


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