Tuesday 30 October 2012

Nowhere Fast For The Moment...

Yes, I have changed my URL again! It shall be the last time, I promise! I have found one that is relateable, a reference to one of my favourite Smiths songs, and an inspiring phrase http://nowherefastforthemoment.blogspot.co.uk/. Right so I now finally have some time to blog after a few very hectic weeks! 

Last weekend I went to York to see my bestie, check out her blog http://theyoungeccentric.blogspot.se/! Apart from the freezing weather, I had the nicest time ever and we both got over excited about hopefully living with one another after university. The Friday night was a bit random, as we planned to have a chilled night and ended up going out in the snow and wearing Nike Blazers into some club. On the Saturday, we were all cute and went to a tea room for 'high tea' even though we didn't really fit in wearing our BOY jumpers, DIY beanie hats, shirts and nursing fragile hangovers. All in all, it was a lush weekend spent with my best friend. The weekend before I went to see another friend in Leeds which was immense as I have never been to Leeds before but I now love it and can't wait to go back soon! 

I am now currently on 'Reading Week' and finally arrived back down south after a good 4/5 hours travelling! I had a lovely surprise when I arrived back home thanks to my wonderful mum who decorated my room. New Cath Kidston bed sheets, a chandelier wall sticker, matching woven heart shaped lamp and fairy lights. So I now plan to catch up on lecture notes, look into placements and see a couple of friends, oh and of course blog! 

#YORKWARD,Best friends,Dreams,Sick music,Shopping & Lots of Tea.

Random Friday Night in town. (Bestie in the middle, me on the right)
Cute times in the tea rooms.
Hungover besties
We are so cool.
My awakening on Saturday morning.
New bedroom!


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