Thursday, 3 January 2013

January Clothing Haul

While everyone else on New Year's Day had been nursing their hangovers, I was out shopping and picking up some goodies. Even though I only managed to get one item on my New Years clothing list, I still managed to get some Primark goodies! 

So the only thing I kind of got off my list was a pair of leather pant/trousers, however I got them in black because the burgundy ones didn't look as nice! I fell in love with the clutch because the studs and colour complement each other and is a fraction of the price of the Topshop version. The skirt is a sale bargain for £7, it is long and made from a sheer material with two big slits. I did't realise how high the slits went up though, so I may have to find something a bit longer to wear underneath it. 

Hope everyone had a fantastic New Year and lets make 2013 our year! Whats on your New Year clothing list?



1 comment

  1. You have done good work by publishing this article here. I found this article too much informative, and also it is beneficial to enhance our leather pant Grateful to you for sharing an article like this.


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