Saturday 4 July 2015


This post is a little different from the usual stuff I post; but I was contacted by the lovely people at Mill Race Garden Centre offering me my pick of the site's stock. Now I'm not going to lie, but I feel like I have got to that age where I just love a good garden centre! 

Mill Race stock a lot of different brands including some of my favourites like Kate Alice. Nowadays garden centres are so much more than just plants and bird seed; there is homeware, clothing and gifts! Mill Race had a great selection of bits and pieces and in my eyes is the perfect place for family gifts. 

I went with a selection of things from Mill Race to show you the diversity of products! So to begin with I got this mega cute pink bird box which I think will look great in the garden from the Gardman brand. Plus a Coco fat feeder as you can never go wrong with one of those for the birds! 
Next up is my new favourite mug from Kate Alice; the polka dot print reminds me a little of the Emma Bridgewater cups too! And this mug came with it's own little wooly jacket - CAUTE! Lastly I got a wicker basket box which I thought would be great to store some make up and beauty bits in for the bathroom! 

Go and check out the site over on 

Big thank you to Josh for my new goodies! 

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