Sunday 11 October 2015

Current Autumn Lip Shades || Beauty

Autumn Fall Favourite Lipsticks

Autumn Fall Favourite Lipsticks

Autumn Fall Favourite Lipsticks

Autumn Fall Favourite Lipsticks

Autumn Fall Favourite Lipsticks

Gerard Cosmetics Matte Lip

Charlotte Tilbury Lipstick

I just love this time of the year so much. I love the fact I can now wear all black everything without feeling judged (because who am I trying to kid - I wear black all year round). I love those cold, bright and crips mornings. I love the cosy evening feeling where you are wrapped up indoors with a cuppa and some fluffy socks. So I wanted to replicate the change in season is some of my blog posts too. I posted one about my favourite glitter shadows earlier in the week.

So before I get into wearing my darker lip colours (I will be doing a separate post about this). These are my current favourite autumn lips colours of choice. Since I received these Gerard matte lip glosses, I pretty much haven't worn anything else. I just love everything about them! (Previous haul post here).

I think this Charlotte Tilbury lipstick in Hepburn Honey is a perfect shade for this time of year - especially if you aren't feeling brave enough for a plum sort of colour yet. It is a perfect balance of a nude and brown lip.

Then for a bolder statement is this beautiful dark red shade from Make Up Revolution - plus it is a bargain at only £1! What shades are you currently loving?

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