Tuesday, 19 February 2019

Girl, You Got This || Empowerment by PrettyLittleThing

everybodyinplt, prettylittlething 2019, prettylittlething girl power, prettylittlething diversity, curve blogger, fashion blogger,
everybodyinplt, prettylittlething 2019, prettylittlething girl power, prettylittlething diversity, curve blogger, fashion blogger,
everybodyinplt, prettylittlething 2019, prettylittlething girl power, prettylittlething diversity, curve blogger, fashion blogger,

I've recently started embracing myself (see my last post). Now don't get me wrong I really over analyse myself and still very much on a self-love journey but I'm trying to give less of a fuck basically. I have been feeling a little lost in life recently, which happens to me every so often probably due to the lack of pressure I put on myself and the pressures of social media don't help either. 

Being body positive for me has always been lacking. I love seeing people who are so in love with their bodies and am always in awe of them and longed to be one of those people. I suffer with self-hating + loathing of my body but you know what I thought fuck it. I recently booked a holiday and as much as I will be healthy eating pre-holiday and wanting to try and loose a bit of weight to be able to be confident when I'm there. But I also don't want to spend everyday on holiday crying when I look in the mirror (because they were the facts last year). I'm trying to embrace myself a bit more, yes I have lumps and bumps but hey let's start wearing them with confidence.

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