Friday 13 July 2012

Checking Off My Clothes List

This week I have managed to finally get some things off my current clothing wishlist! I got given some money for my birthday so I decided to treat myself to a BOY London jumper and a camo jacket, and save the rest of the money for my student overdraft! I also got bought a pair of Nike blazers, which I have wanted for ages! I originally wanted the suede burgundy ones, but couldn't find them in size five anywhere! So I ended up choosing leather burgundy ones, which I didn't think I would like as much. But now they have arrived I actually really like them, even though I haven't worn them outside the house yet because I don't want them to get dirty in this horrible weather! Still in two minds about whether to keep them or not, going to have to get my best friend's opinion, I think!

But I am Rather excited that I finally have a camo jacket! It arrived when one of my friends was at my house, and she looked rather bemused when I opened up the packaging! But once I put it on, she actually really liked it! This particularly jacket is good because it has a ruched bit at the bottom so it doesn't flare it and is much more flattering. I like to wear it quite casually with skinny jeans and roll up the sleeves. 

Nike Blazers- Office £66.99 (actually only £60.29 because of 10% student discount!)
Camo Jacket- Ebay £25.50
BOY London jumper

All my own images.


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