Friday 13 July 2012

Miley Cyrus- Fashion Icon?

Never really used to dig Miley Cyrus but I actually really like her and her style now, and man what I would do to look like her! She has always been pretty but I think recently she has really blossomed and now is just flawless and looks amazing even when going to Pilates! Also rather jealous of her beautiful new fiancĂ© Liam Hemsworth! I know she is trying to get away from her Hannah Montana days, and rightly so, she is growing up and is now a woman. She is getting quirky tattoos, wearing alternative jewellery and buying vintage Chanel. In particularly I really like the way she does her hair whether it be to an awards ceremony or just in a casual bun going shopping, but I like the new lighter shade. 

I think I like her because I am the same age as her and can relate to her, obviously her life is a million miles away from mine but still nice to see a young person doing what she wants while being in the public eye constantly. So I would say to anyone who is channeling the Cyrus look, go out and buy some vintage denim hotpants, cute lacey bras, thin/ baggy vest tops, ear cuffs, converse and ray bans and you should be set! 
Not even going to bore you with posting the same pictures of her you have probably already seem plastered over the magazines. So just going to add a few of my favourites from tumblr that I think that's shows her true beauty and cool style.
I know she gets stick for wearing the same kind of outfit all the time, but if it ain't broke and all! And come on, we've all been there, it's like if you buy a new pair of jeans you love you wear them pretty much all the time until you realise that's all you've worn for the last month!

So I'm still not sure if she would be classed in my fashion icon list, but she is my style crush at the moment.

All images found on Tumblr, edited by me.


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