Friday 27 July 2012


Slogan image from Tumblr. Rizzle image taken and edited by me. Last picture me and a friend at Hyde Park.
So this weeks inspiration image isn't particularly focused on fashion. The first image is the colourful 'Never Give Up' slogan which I currently have as my Ipad background because it is nice to have it there to remind me I need to keep working hard to get to where I want in life. The other two images were taken yesterday at Hyde Park for the Olympic torch finale, which was such a good day! The music was amazing, the sunshine was blazing and I was with my two best friends. I was happy to eventually see Rizzle Kicks live as I have been following them for some time even from there youtube days! Dizzee Rascal was as always on top form, think it was the third time I've seen him and probably the best as well! So in summary my inspiration this week is to keep working hard in life to be able to get where you want, for me that is being able to buy myself all of the things on my wishlist, making a name for myself in the industry and having enough money to be able to buy myself a Damien Hirst art piece to hang in my future office (Inspired by how in love I was when I went to his exhibition last week at the Tate Modern). But also being able to have a good time and having classic memories with friends. 


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