Monday 9 July 2012

Nowhere Fast is up and running

I have been into fashion and have desired to be part of the industry since I was about eight years old. I had dreams of becoming a fashion designer and would spend the majority of my spare time drawing copious of outfit designs.

I am now nineteen and as much as I still love fashion I have changed career preferences from the designer route. I am currently studying Marketing and Management of Fashion Textiles and have just finished my first year. To be honest it hasn't been as great as I imagined and after a year I have become more clueless to my path into the industry. My course involved a lot of science and maths regarding information about fibres, process of materials and the equations behind it. I know it is good to know all about the supply chain of the garment, but I find it rather difficult and lack passion in this area. When it comes to learning about branding, advertising and the business side of the industry I really come into my own and deal with all the information well. So it would be nice for this blog to be the place where I can be a bit more creative and write, post and review about trends, designers, products, people and inspirations. 

In conclusion I wanted to start a blog dedicated to my ideas on fashion and have something that can help me alongside my degree (that's if I pass my resit!). I am also getting fed up of the reaction when I respond to 'what do you study?',  the majority of people I meet just automatically think I'm dumb (I am a creative person but I still got all 10 of my gcse's grades mostly a's and b's and A*,A, B at A-level). 

So this blog will allow me to express my opinions and hopefully let me focus more on my degree because I will be surrounded by information on the industry. I have babbled on a bit here, but I am excited to begin this new blog and would love the chance to meet similar people who also have the passion for the fashion industry.


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