Sunday 12 August 2012

"The details are not the details, they make the design"

In about two weeks I am moving into my new flat for the second year of university, it has been stressful recently with sorting out all the bills and paying the deposit. But hopefully now I can focus more on moving in and creating a perfect living space. I wasn't that bothered about decorative items when living in halls apart from the odd cushion, lamp and a wall full of copious photos of my life. However I do feel like I am turning into my mum because I now want to buy candles and towels. I took some pictures when I was out the other day of the kind of little things I want to buy for my new place, once I have some money to spend on them that is. The first thing on my list is a huge map, so I can stick pins in where I have been and where I want to travel too. I may have to just settle for a globe as I am not allowed to stick things on the wall at my new place. I am also aiming to make some picture/ memo boards to put all of my tickets and photos and wristbands on. Similar to what my Grandad made for me a few years ago in the last picture.

All my own images. Quote by Charles Eames. 


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