Saturday 8 September 2012

“Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Design is knowing which ones to keep.” Scott Adams

All Images found on, Edited by me on Photoshop

So I have tried to make my new room in my second year uni house more homely. So once my parents brought up pretty much most of my belongings, I started to add cushions, lights, books, and colourful bed sheets. My room at the moment looks very vibrant with oranges, pinks and purples with art materials, magazines and photos everywhere. My room is now finally more homely and a better environment than the drab brown and green inspired colour theme from before. 

I still however have a long list of interior must haves, but some may have to wait until  a) I have money and b) I live in a less strict rented flat! So I still really want a cork board map, so I can stick pins into places I've been and where I desire to go. I also love the desk chair look with the fur rug style cover, I think that looks really modern and simple. After searching for lots of inspiration, I really want to buy a Polaroid camera so I can have a wall of memories! ( However I found a software that turns photos into Polaroid style, so I may just print it like that)

I bought this cute aztec print rug from Urban Outfitters from the store in Manchester after spending hours falling in love with every item on their website. As much as this rug is amazing and brightens up my room, it is rather thing and the pom poms aren't sewed on particularly well. I even had to exchange it for another one as there was pretty much no poms poms left on it. But I still love it, and it looks great in my room!

Own  photos edited by me


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