Monday 3 September 2012

“If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there.” Lewis Carroll

Right so I am currently writing this blog post sitting on the sofa under a duvet surrounded by tissues. Yes that's right I have a stinking flu, but hopefully it means I will get it all out of my system before I go to Leeds to see my friend and Freshers '12 starts! So I've been blogging for over a month now, and I really enjoying and it's even going in a different direction than I thought. I predominately started this as a fashion blog, but have included various personal posts. Which I think is important on my particular blog as it is nice to include personal posts to explain more about my life. I am hoping to get more into now I have settled into my uni flat, and once I get my dreaded re-take exam results. I am currently thinking about my next few blog posts, and have lots of exciting new ideas about the new collections, my new room and little interior decorations and my ever growing bucket list. I also want to play about with Photoshop a bit more and be able to edit pictures to a better standard of photos. My only plans for this week are to over come this flu and get a job!

Instagram Diary #1 

L-R: Late birthday dinner treat with the wolfpack, Last night at my house with my girls, Pre drinks before Reading, Burn marks after my silly idea to do the salt & ice challenge, Me after a few too many cocktails, quick doodle while I was waiting for my friend, Twinnys' first night back out in Manchester, Getting nostalgic about Reading Festival '11 and not being at '12.


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