Thursday 25 October 2012

Creative Buzzing

Sorry about the lack of posts again, it's deadline day tomorrow and I have been getting myself in a right tizz about it. But after a few late nights (early mornings) of solid work, I'm glad to say I have now finished! One of my particular projects was entitled a 'fact file'. This meant I had to do a whole research project about my particular trend romance, I found it really interesting and creative so it was fun. Here are a few pictures of the finished product:

Like I mentioned previously I went to Leeds last weekend which was immense and can't wait to go back soon! Hopefully to see Jake Bugg and the Annie Mac presents tour! Once I have handed in my work tomorrow I am going to see my best friend in York which I am mega excited about! Next week is reading week so I am going to go home for a few days to catch up on lecture notes, placement research and hopefully working on a new fashion university magazine! Have a fun weekend!


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