Wednesday 17 October 2012


Well it feels like a complete age since I have blogged! Since then I have changed my URL to as I really didn't think my other one said a lot. So I chose my new URL because the word 'embellished' reminds me of doing A-level textiles and makes me nostalgic of being ridiculously creative everyday (I had eight Fine Art lessons and eight Textiles Art & Design lessons a week at A-level) which I really miss during my uni days! So recently I have been bombarded with coursework and doing some extra shifts at work! I also went home and worked at Ascot races the other weekend which was lovely, but really wasn't home enough ( I will do an instagram diary, to bridge the gap from my last post). I have got a busy couple of weeks with coursework deadlines, placement events- including people from industry such as Tommy Hilfiger, Tesco and ASOS giving talks! extra shifts at work and even a cheeky visit to Leeds and hopefully York. However this evening I got a bit creative and tried to get away from my long list of things to do. So I finally got round to doing a bit of DIY on an old shirt, my friend was chucking out (score!). Straight away I knew I wanted to stud it and cut the sleeves off! So a while back I ordered some gold studs off ebay, and they were actually smaller than I thought, but in the end I think it worked out better. So while I was watching some of the brilliant new series that is 'Girls' (check it out, it is like a grittier version of Sex and the City and is very relateable) I sat and studded the whole collar, my attention did span a bit so each row is not completely straight and I cut my thumb to pieces but saved about thirty quid on buying a studded shirt in Topshop. So I really recommend you have a go at doing a bit of DIY studding, it's easy and cheap!


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