Tuesday 20 November 2012

Quick update...

So the weekend has passed and now it's back to the same weekly routine. I spent a lot of time this weekend on my own (ignoring people) and it was actually lovely to do what I wanted and have the chance to think about things clearly. On Saturday I got up early and went into town, which I really do despise because town on a Saturday is crazy and full of dithering people. However I braved it and had the intention of getting some Christmas presents (so organised haha!). It actually turned out well and I managed to get gifts for my two best friends, one set of grandparents, flatmate, dad and step dad! I also looked everywhere for the new Frankie magazine but could only find the last issue in WHSmith. I did get myself a little treat in Paperchase because I felt like being creative this weekend, so I got some new little sketchbooks and a Graphite pencil! In the afternoon I got some uni work done, did my first sketch in my new pad, read the Telegraph (so cultured!), watched The Breakfast Club (It is an iconic and cracker of a film, so if you haven't seen it, I really recommend this 80's classic!) and drank lots of tea! Then Sunday I had to work till half 6, so was very tired when I got in so I put on the film Submarine which is the most perfect movie ever and the soundtrack is by Alex Turner so it is beautiful! This week is a pretty standard week that entails lots of uni work, meetings, extra shifts at work and drinking lots and lots and lots of tea!


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