Friday 16 November 2012

Good things come to those who work

I don't know about you but I find myself in a constant battle of motivating myself and the life cycle that follows. I think this probably stems from doing Fine Art & Textiles at A-level, where I would also reach blank points in my projects and the hatred of turning to a new blank page. So I feel like I need motivational images around me to keep me inspired and to reach the final goals later on in life. These are a few that I have around my room and have reblogged on tumblr quite a lot! This got me thinking that I should probably be more positive about things and certain things that have recently happened has put things into perspective for me. This is pretty hard for me as I am a pessimist so here it goes...

things to be happy about at the moment
  • drinking white tea
  • listening to old school Kate Nash (Made of Bricks)
  • started to read the 'side of paradise' by F.Scott Fitzgerald 
  • had lovely phone chats with two of my friends from home!
things to look forward
  • hopefully a university trip to Paris to attend Premiere Vision
  • getting some more information about placements and starting to finally apply!
  • my bestie to come and visit me
  • food shopping delivery (haha)
  • new supreme hat purchase 

Why don't you have a go at thinking of the positives in life? Have a lovely weekend! and don't forget to donate to Children in Need!


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