Friday, 23 May 2014

Leanin || Styling


Leanin' by jadie045735 featuring a chanel shoulder bag

Hiya you lovely bunch! I feel like I haven't been in touch with you lot for an age! Basically for the last month or so I have been super stressed and busy with deadlines and revision. But now it's official it's all over and I am getting thrown into the real world after completing my 3 years at university (arrrggghhhhhh). To be honest I have been 'over' the whole uni thang since the end of second year. But now it has finally arrived I am finding it all a little daunting and trying to find a job even more so! But what I am excited about is the future and I now have the time to begin reaching my goals. 

First up is creating my own little venture - now this is something I have wanted for years, so I thought why not create it now! Let me welcome Shop Seasouth - this will be THE destination for vintage finds, jewels and trill style. It's going to take some time to perfect the vision I want Shop Seasouth to be but I am buzzing to be starting the journey. So if you want to follow the Twitter, Instagram or Tumblr to stay tuned, I will love you forever!

Also it is your last few days to enter my teapigs Matcha set giveaway so get entering! 

Jade x

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