Wednesday 28 October 2015

EBAY BARGAINS #1 || Beauty

Ebay Lip Liners

Ebay Lip Liners

Ebay Lip Liners

Ebay Lip Liners

Ebay Lip Liners

Ebay Lip Liners

Ebay Lip Liners Swatches

Recently some little bargains have caught my eye, especially in the beauty department. So I thought this could be a fun little feature on the blog. I tend to buy products from wholesale Chinese websites or just simple old eBay. Some of the things can turn out to be a disappoint (but what do you expect for the money you pay?!). But somethings turn out, well bloody fantastic.

Like these lipliners - 12 beautiful coloured liners for under £2. I mean just look at all the nudey pink shades there are. Normally I find with cheaper make up products they aren't very pigmented but these actually are the shades you see! I have been using them all of my lips because I just love the colours that much - plus I am all about a matte lip! So I really couldn't recommend these enough! 

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