Wednesday 21 October 2015

Get Creative With Joules || Competition

This email came into my inbox and thought I would share it with you lovely lot! So Joules are letting you design a wellington boot with whatever you like. The winning choice will then be produced and rolled out with all proceeds going to charity! I think it is so creative and fun - I might even have a go myself!

Especially now it is Autumn, all I can think about is going for countryside walks amongst the burnt orange leaves. Just imagine being able to do that in a bespoke pair of boots that you designed! (and maybe even seeing other countryside walkers in them!). Plus the winner also wins a luxury break worth £5,000! You get to spend 3 wonderful nights in an oak treehouse cabin plus lots more treats!

There will also be 10 runners up prizes who will all receive £250 worth of Joules vouchers - a great little treat before Christmas!

Head over the to now to submit your entry and see all the details! What are you waiting for? Get designing!

Tweet me any of your entries - I would love to see what you guys come up with! @jadealiceblog

Joules Competition 2015
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