Wednesday 7 October 2015


Urban Decay Glitter Eyeshadow Review Autumn Fall

Urban Decay Glitter Eyeshadow Review Autumn Fall

Urban Decay Glitter Eyeshadow Review Autumn Fall

Urban Decay Glitter Eyeshadow Review Autumn Fall

Urban Decay Glitter Eyeshadow Review Autumn Fall
Shadows (L-R) Space Cowboy & Stargazer - Urban Decay

Okay so I maybe got a little bit too over excited in the garden centre the other week but it's October (which means its basically nearly christmas!) and I just love this time of year! So yes I picked up a few little aesthetically pleasing props and thought I would do some autumn based posts (can I get a wooo? No just me, cool). 

I've had these Urban Decay shadows for a while and I don't think I have really made proper use of them. Whenever I remember them and use them - I LOVE them. So I have now dug them out of my beauty bag and put them in pride of place. I even did a blog post about these when I first got them but I thought these are just perfect shades for autumn. 

I particularly love the brown coloured shade (Space Cowboy) as I like to wear a nude brown shade (if you didn't know yet?!) and this adds the perfect glitz to make that nude eye a bit more special. The green sort of shade (Stargazer) isn't too green so again just adds a lovely shimmer to your eyes.

I love these little eyeshadow pots and totally down for the packaging of these Urban Decay babies - so I really need some more in my life. I think I will try out the matte ones next - any recommendations? 


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