Wednesday 9 December 2015

Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturising Gel Review || BEAUTY

Clinique 3 Step Daily Care, Clinique DDML, Clinique Dramatic moisturiser Review, Best moisturiser

Clinique 3 Step Daily Care, Clinique DDML, Clinique Dramatic moisturiser Review, Best moisturiser

Clinique 3 Step Daily Care, Clinique DDML, Clinique Dramatic moisturiser Review, Best moisturiser

Clinique 3 Step Daily Care, Clinique DDML, Clinique Dramatic moisturiser Review, Best moisturiser

This stuff. Oh my God this stuff. The Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturising Gel is my one true cult beauty product. I have used it pretty much every day for the last 5+ years or so. I couldn't even think of putting my makeup on and facing the day without this stuff (bit dramatic - I know). I don't even really know why specifically I love this stuff so much. I received it as a present many many Christmases ago (and my mum is a big fan of the Clinique brand) so I think that rubbed off on me! 

I have spoken to a few people about this product and it has mixed reviews. Some people adore it like me and some people simply said they don't understand the hype and its nothing special. I personally tend to have combination skin so my face will be pretty dry in the morning and oily by the afternoon. But I think this stuff really helps to hydrate my skin first thing and allows a good base before I apply primer. I feel like my foundation wouldn't go on as smoothly without using this moisturiser. I've tried and it has been a complete fail! 

If you aren't completely sure about the product, Clinique offer it as part of their 3 step programme which you can get for a reasonable price and get to try 3 Clinique products! (I've also linked it below too).

On a side note however, I have actually been thinking about testing out a new daily moisturiser because my face gets so damn shiny during the day. Just to see if that helps at all. So if anyone has any suggestion please holla at your girl. 


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