Friday 4 December 2015

The Hut Christmas Gift Ideas || Blogger Mail

The lovely guys at The Hut made my previous Christmas homeware wish list come true, by sending me this little beauty. Now if you know me, you will know how much I LOVE Christmas and I love tea so this is the perfect gift! It is designed by Keith Brymer Jones (who has recently appeared on the BBC2 pottery show) and I love how classic and simple his designs are. There is a whole range of mugs and other ceramics (my favourites are linked below - I love the egg cups).

The Hut have a whole range of brands and great gifts for Christmas so you need to check them out!
Plus I am wearing this sassy 'Piste off' ASOS number too - so feeling super Christmasy in my household. 

 I've also made a little list of my current favourites from The Hut below!
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