There is a change on JadeAliceBlog. Wow I hyped that up. Yes as you can probably tell I have changed my hair colour (DRASTIC CHANGES, I TOLD YOU). I also got myself a V orange Kanye top, which I'm totally diggin'. Much colour, much love. Super into orange right now, so much so I even purchased this orange glitzy eyeshadow (wearing in these piccys) from Kiko & it has quickly become my new fav!
LIFE UPDATES (In case you are remotely interested, if not this is for future me wondering what I was up to in 2016. K. Thanks):
I am finding it harder to find the time (the energy/ideas/passion) to sit down and write blogposts. Work is cray cray right now, plus with my new found gym bunny-ness, (I feel like that isn't a word but hey it works) it is only getting harder. But I am making sure I'm very active on the old Instagram so make sure you are following me children - https://www.instagram.com/jadealiceblog/. I do however have a couple of posts in the pipeline!
So the gym. Yes, oh the gym. How I equally love and hate it. I mean I hate every single minute of it but when I leave I feel great, so there's that. I feel like I've been doing quite well to keep up the motivation of going a few times a week. Last week was tough as I felt really stressed and busy with work so the thought of the gym and not getting home till 9, was not for me. However I made up for it at the end of the week & the weekend, so BAM. I haven't really noticed a difference yet, all of my lumps and bumps are still in the same places but you know I GOT DIS.
Following on from the gym is more health stuff (like what am I turning into, where the cheesy chips at?). So this week I have started taking vitamins, inspired by the beauty that is Lauren Elizabeth. Plus it was the Holland & Barrett 1 penny sale. Now let's talk about this real quick. 1p! I mean come on, I've thrown away 1ps and now I'm paying 1 whole penny for a tub of vitamins *MIND BLOWN*. I have also never bought anything from H&B in my life so I now sort of feel like some sort of actual adult or health guru (LOL). Anyway so I settled on 4 types of vitamins to kick start this hype (again WHO AM I); vitamin C because I really don't get enough of that, Milk Thistle which is good for your liver - you know to balance out those nights out, Tumeric which is good for digestion and B Complex which helps improve your mood and gives you more energy (So I should probably take a tub daily, right? JOKING). So this might be quite a good thing to keep you guys updated on if you are the slightly bit interested (let a girl know if you are).
So lots of boring work/gym/healthy lifestyle things going on right now. I am however going to SW4 this Saturday & Notting Hill Carnival on Monday, which I am beyond BUZZING about. Not so buzzing in terms of I ACTUALLY HAVE NOTHING TO WEAR. I keep buying things and then realising I don't look like any of the models and it all looks shit on me. But what I lack in a stylish ootd I shall make up for with glitter.
So this has been great guys, I've talked at you about my life, you've (assumably) have read it and we've all had fun. We should do it again.
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