Monday 16 July 2012

Miss Fashionista 2012

As a teenage girl my whole life pretty much revolves around fashion and social media. So I have recently set up my own fashion blog to try and convey my ideas and dreams on the matter. I have spent years using the different social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr and think this is a great advantage to a blogger as you need as much public awareness as possible. 
So when I received the Miss Fashionista 2012 email from my university I thought what better way to really push myself and start myself off in the blogging world than to enter it.
I admire Pussycat London because the brand represents young women and making sure they can offer them quality and fashionable clothing. This is why personally I think I would be a great ambassador for Pussycat London because that is what I want my blogging experience to be about, to make sure I deliver up to date fashion news and opinions to my readers. I also want to make it a unique experience by adding a bit of extra inspiration and my own ideas about collections and outfits.
I think because fashion is such a hobby (I say hobby, I really mean my life) of mine, I never really switch off from it. Whether it is collecting inspiration from magazines, scrolling the internet for catwalk shows or just seeing what the public are wearing, I am always thinking about it. That is the main reason why I think I would be a good ambassador for the brand as I will be focused and dedicated because fashion is something that really inspires me and will always be part of my life. 

 Some of my favourite items from, check them out!
Images all by Pussycat London- edited by me


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