Sunday 15 July 2012

Pink hair

Up until recently (well about six months ago) I had never dyed my hair throughout the 19 years of my life. Don't get me wrong I didn't do anything radicale I just dip dyed the end of my hair with peroxide. I'm pretty happy with the outcome and having the whole ombré look going on, even re-dyed the ends to go even blonder (I have very dark brown hair). But I would say for at least the last two years I have been pretty obsessed with hair colours and different colour ends. I did experiment with blue food dye for a festival last August but it ended up going green but still pretty awesome. My current obsession is pink and lilac, to be honest I don't think I will ever have the courage to pull off dyeing all of my hair pink, especially when I'm currently looking for a job! So I may have to just experiment with the tips of my hair because if it goes wrong I can just get a haircut! Then again it's the kind of thing you can get away with when your young, so maybe one day I will go all out and dye my hair pink!
Images all from Tumblr, edited by me.


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