Friday 19 June 2015

BOTANICS ALL BRIGHT || Skincare Review

I ended up buying these little products on a last minute dash to Boots before my holiday. They were amazing value and only a couple of pound each so I thought why not! I LOVE the Cleansing Foam wash, as it makes my skin feel really clean and bright. I tend to use it after taking my makeup off in the evening. 

I have been using the Night Cream - it's been a little bit of a saviour on my holiday as I think it is important to hydrate your skin - especially if you are getting a sun tan! However I do find when I wake up in the morning, my skin tends to be really shiny looking, after using the night cream. I tend to have oily skin anyway so this could just be my skin type. These products are half price currently at Boots - so hurry if you want to check them out!

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