Saturday, 26 January 2019

Getting Focused This January | Monki Co-ord

Getting Focused This January, monki co-rd, monki asos, monki boucle, mental health 2019, mental health blogger, influencers talking mental health, how to deal with depression, depression in your 20s
Getting Focused This January, monki co-rd, monki asos, monki boucle, mental health 2019, mental health blogger, influencers talking mental health, how to deal with depression, depression in your 20s
Getting Focused This January, monki co-rd, monki asos, monki boucle, mental health 2019, mental health blogger, influencers talking mental health, how to deal with depression, depression in your 20s

I've just got off the phone with my dad and he asked me how I was feeling in myself at the moment. A pleasant way of asking how depressed I was feeling basically. I just replied well it's January it's not a very jolly month anyway. Truth be told I didn't really know how to answer his question. I have my good days and I have my bad days. There is just something about January which does get me down, cold + dark days, commuting, not having much to look forward to being the main reason. I feel like I'm blaming a lot of my feelings on the month and think as soon as it turns to February 1st I miraculously going to be happy again. When I know in actual fact that won't be the case. 

I am however trying to do things for myself without always taking in everyone else opinions and be a bit more selfish I suppose. I feel like this week in particular I've really tried to say yes to things (e.g. like going to events after work, when normally I would just want to go home straight away and hide from the world). I'm using these little things to help me focus and work out what I need to do in order to achieve them. 

I find at the beginning of the week if I make a to-do list, it helps me with what I want to achieve and can take little steps in order to get there. So here's to say fuck you brain, I got this.

Another top tip to make your week better, is where cute co-rd like this set from Monki! 


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