Sunday, 19 May 2019

Clinique Summer Sun Care

clinique spf review, clinique sun care review, clinique 2019 review, clinique after sun review, clinique spf stick review, good spf products, spf in beauty
clinique spf review, clinique sun care review, clinique 2019 review, clinique after sun review, clinique spf stick review, good spf products, spf in beauty
clinique spf review, clinique sun care review, clinique 2019 review, clinique after sun review, clinique spf stick review, good spf products, spf in beauty

You may have read one of my previous posts on SPF here. Now I'm breaking it down into some of my favourite sincere products I used on holiday from Clinique. 

I purchased the SPF 35 Stick as a quick last minute purchase and it turned out to be the most handy little thing. I justified buying it as I was going to buy a SPF lip balm but when I saw this and read you could use it on your lips and face I thought this was a lot more cost effective and multi-purpose. It was great to keep in my beach bag, especially when going on day trips where I did want a huge bag full of stuff. It's super light and easy to wipe out and whack all over your face. I especially like to apply it to my lips as I always feel like they get burnt and irritated in the sun (I think lips are definitely something people forget to protect when they are in the sunshine). I also think this is a good alternative to having thick or oily suncream which I think clogs up my pours. When using this I did find myself looking quite shiny if I didn't rub it in but also I guess that can add to the summer glow. 

With the Clinique After Sun, I actually got it in a set -which is such good value! Clinique actually do a few of these sets for around £20 so they are a bargain and really good for mini size products to take on holiday (this one is a great hydration kit for the flight). This rescue balm was actually a really good size for my two week holiday. I always tend to burn so after sun is a must have! This is super cooling and hydrating which is the best feeling when you are red raw.


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